Will the proposed uses and structures be in harmony with the appropriate and orderly development of the Zoning District and not be noxious, offensive, or detrimental to the area?

  • Site is zoned for industrial use

  • GFI has provided documentation regarding the manner in which operational protocol will mitigate perceived adverse effects on unencumbered land

  • Proposed excavation is to enable development of permitted uses

  • Appropriate constraints on noise, dust, and other disturbances are provided by State Regulations and operating hour limits

  • Continuous misting of the site and drilling equipment, as prescribed by industry best-practices, is designed to suppress dust; wetting blasts, mist bars, and covered conveyors are proven and effective methods of dust control

The reality about Gales Ferry Intermodal truck traffic

  • It is likely that GFI will not generate the 50-round-trips per day, as cited in our application

  • This is a maximum number; product will be primarily transported by barge.

  • Proposed truck traffic is less than 50% of that approved by the Commission recently for Terra-Firma project without a traffic report

  • Truck traffic will be on Rte. 12, a state roadway, not through neighborhoods

  • Truck trips will diminish after the “overburden,” or soil, is removed

  • Offshore wind energy developers are the primary companies interested in using the GFI site for support operations, grid connectivity

  • Offshore wind energy developers and marine construction firms need materials delivered by barge

How will industrial work be buffered from nearby residences?

  • River Road neighborhood is located approximately .8 mile north; project area is not visible from that neighborhood; neighborhood is also segregated from project area by existing industrial operations

  • Thamesview Pentway and Pheasant Run Condominiums are completely screened by existing vegetation even in winter; project is not visible from any dwelling in either neighborhood

  • Gales Ferry Historic District and Chapman Lane are separated from project site by undisturbed portion of Allyn’s Hill; site will not be visible from any residence in either area

  • Remaining properties are either non-conforming residential uses in the Industrial Zoning District or are not residentially utilized

  • Project is not logistically situated in a location that has the propensity to adversely impact residential property values

Will the historic Decatur encampment be protected?

  • A minimum of 3 acres of land proposed for preservation, and donation to a recognized historic preservation organization

  • GFI has contracted with Heritage Consultants to produce a comprehensive study of this site

  • GFI continues to work with the State Historic Preservation Office to ensure site is protected

How will the town benefit?

  • Tipping fee to Town of Ledyard

  • 30 well paying construction jobs

  • Currently 4th highest taxpayer; proposed improvements sure to increase this ranking